Book information

Mystery of Spot's Missing Ball                   

Author- Adam Hero Book

Publisher/ Publicist-  Janice Hero

Contact for more info. or to book your event-

Janice Hero


Mystery Of Spot's Missing Ball Traveling Theatre






Assembly Information:

Title- Mystery Of Spot's Missing Ball By Adam Hero

                   Traveling Theatre

Is an interactive and engaging book read and impro event! 

Welcome Students with music

 Interactive Read Aloud I Read the book aloud how the author wants the book to be read pausing for discussion and engaging with the audience.

For example -Would you all like to help look for clues.....? Who do you think took Spot's favorite Ball?

Next Improv Event- I will then read the book aloud but I will ask 4 students from the audience to come play the part of the four main character acting the part. Each character has a custume and will act out their part as I read bring the book alive! (I also bring the stage design.)

 Grade Levels  Preschool, K-1, 2nd and 3rd and 4th and 5th.

I adjust the program according to grade level.  

For example- 2nd-3rd grader students will performance the book into a play! Each character will have lines to read from while another student will be asked to narrate the story.

Depending on the age group I adjust the characters resonsiblities. (

Length: 35 minutes K-1

35 minutes 2nd and 3rd

45 minutes 4th and 5th